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"I miss that daily commute" - Heather Docksey

"Being at home all day for the last year has brought lots of changes"

Heather dogs

No more daily sitting in traffic, actually being home before 6pm, being able to get out at lunchtime for a walk and being in for parcel deliveries! But less activity means I've developed a poor sleep pattern and my dog now has separation anxiety every time I leave the room and insists on lying on my keyboard or constantly staring at me.

While I do love being at home, I miss that daily commute, that interaction with other drivers, albeit a thank you wave or a glare from being cut up! That drive home just for me to switch off from work. I actually do miss that.

Things that I’ve changed for the better are: taking actual time to eat lunch instead of eating snacks at my desk and doing more walking with friends and their dogs to appreciate the fresh air.

As the days become warmer and longer I am looking forward to sitting outside again with my laptop in the sunshine and surrounded by birdsong.Dog laptop

I think self-care has become much more prevalent in the last year and as humans we crave interaction so when the time comes to integrate back into our workspaces I hope we don't forget the little things we've had to adapt to and maybe, just maybe we can enjoy that work/life balance we have all been wanting for so long. 


Published: 26th March 2021