Coventry and Warwickshire WorkWell programme
Coventry and Warwickshire WorkWell is a new initiative set to support individuals with mental health or health-related barriers to find or stay in employment.
What is WorkWell?
The new initiative is set to support individuals across Coventry and Warwickshire with mental health or health-related barriers to find or retain employment.
Workwell can support anyone with a mental health or health-related work barrier to:- Return to or remain at work
- Find and access work
- Refer into and connect with various services in the area
What does WorkWell offer?
Following a referral into WorkWell the participant will be contacted by one of our Journey Guides, who will complete an initial assessment.
Participants will work with their Journey Guide to explore support options and create a personalised plan to retain or return to work. The employment support and in-work support available will involve, but not be limited to:
- Personalised plan to achieve set goals
- 1:1 coaching
- Barrier-breaking workshops
- Confidence building and disclosure techniques
- Upskilling and training opportunities
- Finding available employment opportunities
- Understanding individuals rights and laws in the workplace
- Supporting conversations with the employer
- Making workplace adjustment(s)
- Return to work plans
Who is WorkWell for?
WorkWell is avaialable for anyone who:
- Lives or is registered to a GP within Coventry or Warwickshire
- Is over 16
- Has the right to work in the UK
- Is willing to regularly engage with a WorkWell Journey Guide for employment related support
- Is currently employed or at risk of leaving work due to low level mental health challenges or a health-related work barrier and requires support to return to or remain in employment,
or - Has become recently unemployed and facing a barrier to return to work due to their mental health or a health-related work barrier
Referral and Signposting Support
During an individual's journey with WorkWell team, a range of barriers and support needs may be identified.
Our WorkWell team can explore and connect participants with various organisations and services. This ensures they receive wrap around support, that contributes to a positive path of employment and wellbeing.
Examples of additional signposting may include:

How to complete a referral?
Fill in the referral form to:
- Self-refer
- Refer your patient
- Refer your employee
- Refer a customer you work with
and any person that is currently facing mental health or health-related work barriers.
*Please ensure the person you are referring is present at the time of completing this form or gives informed consent*How to contact us?
If you have any questions or need assistance completing the form, please contact the WorkWell team at:
Our partners
What sets WorkWell apart is its focus to better join up health and employment support and improve wellbeing. Coventry and Warwickshire is one of the 15 areas around the country trialling a partnership approach to health and employment, which aims to align the work and health landscape at a local level to support retention or return to employment for individuals with mental health or health-related barriers.

*The C&W WorkWell Programme is not a clinical service*
Contact us
Contact the WorkWell team